Friday, June 12, 2009

Episode 32

(a soap opera)

Sky was both excited and anxious as he sat in Michelle's living room waiting for Trixie to emerge from the bedroom dressed for their big night out.

Trixie called out, "Close your eyes, darling!"

"My eyes are closed, love bunny," Sky sang back.

Trixie Louise slunk into the living room dressed in a get up that could only be described as: tawdry, tasteless, and tacky.

"Keep 'em closed, honey," she said as she reclined on blanket-draped chair.

With her legs sticking straight up in the air; she whispered, "O.k. Open your eyes."

Sky opened his eyes and his smile slipped away.

"Wow," he mumbled.

"What do you think, sweetie?" Trixie asked.

Sky knew he had to choose his words wisely.

"Don't you think you might get a little chilly dressed like that?"

Her smile turned into a pout.

"You don't like it," she whined.

"No . . . it's not that I don't like it, sweetheart. It's just that it's . . . it's . . "

"Too sexy?" Trixie asked.

Sky smiled and held up his thumb and index finger, "Maybe just a little."

With that, Trixie swung her legs around and placed her feet on the ground. Standing up she announced, "Not a problem. I've got just the outfit."

"That's a girl." Sky said as she vanished back into the bedroom.

Spotting a large mirror across the room - Sky walked over to inspect his costume. Noticing how wrinkled his stolen sheets had become he called to Trixie, "Hey, Trix!"

Trixie poked her head out the bedroom door, "Yes, dear."

"Hey, have you got an iron? I need to press my outfit."

"Sure, honey. Look in the hall closet. There's an iron and an ironing board in there."

Sky walked down the hall and retrieved the iron and the ironing board and commenced pressing his sheets.

It wasn't long before the whole routine began again:

"O.k., darling. Close your eyes!" Trixie called out.

"O.k. My eyes are closed; come on out."

There was a flurry of rustling fabric and an occasional "damn it" as Trixie struggled to make her way back into the living room. Sky couldn't help but peek.

Finally, she announced, "O.k. You can look now."

Sky was speechless. He looked like a little boy as he tilted his head back and forth and stared in shock and awe.

"Well! What do you think?" Trixie asked. "It's not too sexy, right?"

Once again, Sky knew that it was essential to choose his words wisely.

"Hmm . . well . . . No, it's not too sexy. In fact, sex is the last thing that comes to mind. I'm sort of reminded of Christmas. Actually . . . . . you look like a Christmas tree!"

Trixie stomped her feet and ran back into the bedroom.

"You hate it. It's obvious that I no long appeal to you!" she screamed as she slammed the door.

Sky dropped the iron and ran to the locked bedroom door.

Knocking; he beseeched her, "Sweetheart! Don't be like that. You look beautiful but, it's just not quite what I had in mind for you."

"GO AWAY!" she yelled back.

"Now, honey. Listen; what I was hoping for was a more sophisticated look since Pierce Street is such a swanky place. And . . . I really like when you wear the big hair - you know - like you used to."

There was a long moment of silence and then . . .

"You really like my hair big like I like it?" Trixie asked from behind the door.

"Of course I do," Sky answered. "That's the Trixie I fell in love with."

He could tell she was crying as she sniffled and blew her nose.

"So . . . Trix?" he said.

"Yeah," she responded.

"You think you can do that. I mean, sophisticated with big hair?"

She hesitated for a moment and then answered, "O.k. . . . Yeah, I can do it. Go back in the living room and wait for me. I'll be out in a minute."

Sky smiled and answered, "That's my girl. Now don't be long."

Sky walked back out to the living room as Trixie sat down on the edge of the bed and began to think.

"So . . . he wants a sophisticated look with big hair . . . hmm, let's see what we can do."

Sky paced back and forth for a while and then knocked on the bedroom door.

"Hey, sweethheart."

It took a moment before she answered from behind the door.

"Almost done dear," she called back.

"Oh no . . take your time. I was just wondering if you wanted to grab dinner before we hit the dance floor."

"Sounds great. I'm famished," Trixie replied.

"O.k. So what sounds good - you pick."

Trixie thought for a moment then answered, "You know, I have no idea why, but lately I've been craving Mimi's Cafe. Weird, huh?"

"That's not weird at all - I love Mimi's."

"Perfect." she said, "Now go back into the living room and close your eyes - I'm ready."

Once again Sky walked back into the living room and sat on the sofa.

"O.k.!" he said, "I've got my eyes closed. Come on out, good looking."

He could hear the bedroom door open and the gentle sound of her approaching footsteps. Trixie stood in the doorway that lead into the living room and struck a dramatic pose.

In a low, soft voice she whispered, "Get a load'a this, lover."

Slowly, Sky opened his eyes and raised his lowered head. As he cast his eyes upon her his breath was taken away . . . .

Trixie winked at him and smiled.

"You like?"

Sky could barely speak but managed to utter, "Oh yes . . . I like very much."


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