Saturday, June 13, 2009


I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who faithfully reads MY V.I. (a soap opera).
I also want to thank Brianna Bailey (intrepid Daily Pilot reporter) who's article about my blog helped put it on the map.
I've been thinking lately about the fact that many of you may have no idea that the original story called MY V.I. began on a Caringbridge website (Personalized websites that connect loved ones during critical illness, treatment and recovery) which was set up by Trudy Hayes, beloved V.I. book-keeper (and so much more!) for her equally beloved husband, David, while he was in the hospital approximately a year and a half ago.
After David had to go and get well! - a few patrons and employees of the V.I. suggested that I continue writing the fictional, episodic story about the adventures (and misadventures) of various (real and fictional) V.I. characters. The result of that suggestion is the blog you are currently reading.
Another purpose of this message is to let those of you who might have no other way of knowing the "inside story" behind some of these episodes 'in' on why some of what I write about the V.I. is funny, ironic or matters at all.
First of all: Cindy, Michelle, Trudy, Chrystal, Spencer, Fermin and Mary Haley are all real people and employees of the Village Inn. And the 'Ken' I refer to occasionally is none other than your's truly.
I mention actual patrons from time to time; such as: Ryan, Bucky, Corona Bob and Barbara (the dance nazi). And, entire episodes have been written (with his permission) about Sky Bingham who is an actual person and patron.
Although the situations that I write these people into are completely fictional; sometimes there is a thread of truth or irony running through the story lines.
Here is a run down (12 episodes) of inside information that may help readers understand why something might be funny, ironic or matter at all:
Episode 1
A. The only thing harder to talk over than a loud band at the V.I. is the even louder dishwashing machine!
B. A little inside joke between Michelle and I: "This is a weird night!" To which the other replies, "They're all weird!"
C. At the time this episode was written, Trudy was in the process of changing the music schedule at the V.I. and booking new bands. Some of them we had never heard play until the night they performed in the lounge which, occasionally, lead to a few surprises (and, occasionally, trouble).
D. Every now and then, one of these new bands turned out to be way too loud and met with the unbridled disapproval of our host of regulars.
E. Peta & the Tree Huggers are completely fictional (I hope).
Episode 2
A. Ryan, beloved regular, makes an appearance.
B. The whole 'braid' thing relates to the fact that Michelle often wears her long red hair in braids.
Episode 3
A. Charmaine; who is completely fictional, is introduced.
Episode 4
A. This episode is complete fiction about Charmaine.
Episode 5
A. The V.I. does offer 'bottomless champagne' for $7.00 during Sunday Brunch.
B. Cindy has often been heard saying, "I can't deal with this!"
Episode 6
A. Simza, the crazy Gypsy, is introduced and is fictional.
B. The reason Cindy says she's gonna "kill Chrystal" after Spencer says he has an order for Bahama Mamas and Blue Hawaiians is because Chrystal had actually re-worked the drink menu days before this was written and she decided to randomly throw on these two rather labor intensive cocktails for fun (much to the chagrin of the bartenders).
Episode 7
A. Sky Bingham (actual person & patron) is written into the drama in a very fictional way.
Episode 8
A. Burning the popcorn is mentioned because, no matter how hard we try, we always manage to burn the popcorn!
B. Bilge (as in bilge pump) Donahue; a completely fictional character, is introduced.
C. Bucky; a beloved regular, is mentioned.
Episode 9
A. I describe Cindy as a "nurturing, caring, mother hen" because, well - she is!
Episode 10
A. Complete fiction with another mention of Bucky (V.I. patron).
Episode 11
A. This short episode is complete and utter nonsense (fiction) about Charmaine.
Episode 12
A. This is the episode that drew the attention of Brianna Bailey, reporter for the Daily Pilot. The reason was my use of the then 'hot' topic of underground utilities on the Island.
B. Olga Renderklott is introduced and is completely fictional. I had also used her in the original MY V.I. story on the Caringbridge site.
O.k. I won't take you through all 32 episodes today, but thought you might enjoy a little insider information regarding MY V.I. (a soap opera).
Also, I've included a photograph (above) of myself that makes me appear far more dark, mysterious and introspective than I really am. More fiction!
thanks again for reading! ken

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